Custom ERP

As one of the fastest-growing industries, the Retail & FMCG industry has been getting increasingly popular and successful. Our core team of retail software experts have implemented multi-faceted Retail and FMCG applications that offer smart and insightful information through analytical technique.

Sales Force Automation And CRM Solutions

RCS’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) service helps the clients accomplish high performance by professionally anticipating, meeting and exceeding their customers' expectations.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM workflow automation and analytics permits the organizations’ Sales, Marketing and Service personnel to easily share information and route tasks to provide a seamless client experience.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM gives you the authority to opt how you want to administer your customer relationships. Compare the benefits of on-demand or on-premise solutions and pick the structure that fits your workflow. The best part is, there’s no wrong answer. The onsite and online solutions can be fully integrated at any time for maximum flexibility.