Understand the meaning of Project.
Understand the importance of Project Management Techniques
Understand the steps for construction of Gantt Chart.
Understand the difference between PERT and CPM.
Understand the concepts of event, activity and dummy activity in Network diagram construction.
Understand procedure of Forward Pass and Backward Pass method and determination of critical path in a project.
Dr. Manish Dhingra
Contact No: 7417095234
Email: dhingramanish2003@yahoo.com
Understand and recognize the objectives, functioning, importance and scope of Financial Management in strategic perspective
Compute cost of capital and develop innovative financial strategies
Analyze the capital structure decisions through relevant models
Discuss the dividend policy of a firm.
Understand the importance of technological practices and creating financial literacy amongst investors
Dr. Indu Shukla
Associate Professor, FCM, Rama University
Contact :911135202
Email :drindu.fcm@ramaunivesity.ac.in