Visit at Sewage Treatment Plant- Kanpur
09 Feb 2019
Department of community health nursing organized a 4 days visit at sewage treatment plant Bingwan naubasta Kanpur for fulfilling the requirement of B.SC Nsg , Post B.Sc and M.Sc nursing and GNM students from 18th
First day (4/2/2019) there was two faculties Mr. saumya awasthi, and Ms priya nursing tutor of community health nursing department went with GNM. students.
Whereas 2nd day (5/02/2019) Miss khushboo singh Nursing tutor of community health nursing department went with GNM 1st Year students.
3rd day ( 9/02/2019) Mr vikas Chandra Nursing tutor of community health nursing department went with GNM 3rd Year students. In which students got much information because of well co-operation from the sewage treatment staffs. And 4th day nursing student went with Mr saumya awasthi
I am thankful to shri Ghanshayam drivedi PROJECT MANAGER of sewage treatment plant and Mr. Abhinav srivastava for orienting the physical layout,explaining the process its importance, staffing pattern, function, funding and their recent researches