Successful Actualization of the Expert Lecture on "Global Status of Mutation Breeding"
17 Jul 2021
On 14 July 2021, An Expert talk on "Global Status of Mutation Breeding" was organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries, Rama University, Mandhana, Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur. The talk was delivered by Dr. M. C. Kharkwal, who is an IAEA (International Atomic Energy Association, Vienna, Austria) Expert, Ex. Principal Scientist, I.A.R.I., New Delhi, Ex. President, Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding. The further details of the event are mentioned below.
Event- Expert Lecture
Topic- "Global Status of Mutation Breeding"
Date- 14 July 2021
Organized By- Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries,
Rama University, Kanpur
Mode- Online/ Virtual
About the Event:
The session commenced with the welcome address by Dr. Aneeta Yadav- Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries. Dr. Kharkwal started his presentation by reminding the era from where the mutation was identified for the first time when the mutation was utilized in crop improvement programs. He very aptly emphasized the importance of the sudden heritable changes in genes by giving some glimpse of its historical background through his compelling presentation.
The session became very interesting when he shared his contribution to the varietal development program by using induced mutagenesis and developing four mutant varieties of chickpea released and notified by the Government of India. He shared the global status of mutation breeding by a virtual visit to the contributions made by all countries in the field of mutation breeding. The attendees in the session were more than a century.
The session was very informative and fruitful for all the participants.