Short term certification on "Statistical Tools for Agricultural Data Analysis"
19 Jul 2021
A Short term certificate course on "Statistical Tools for Agricultural Data Analysis" has been offered by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries, Rama University, Mandhana, Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur, on 19 July 2021. This short-term course will be held from 19 July till 02 August 2021. The further details of this Inaugural Session are mentioned below.
Event- Inaugural Session
Short Term Course- Certificate Course on "Statistical Tools for Agricultural Data Analysis"
Date- 19 July 2021
Offered By- Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries,
Rama University, Kanpur
About the Session:
The Inaugural Session commenced with the welcome address by Dr. Aneeta Yadav, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries. She emphasized that Statistical analysis gives meaning to the meaningless numbers and thereby breathing life into lifeless data and thus helps draw valid conclusions and recommendations from agricultural research. Dr. Suhel Mehandi, Course Coordinator, Assistant Professor, FASAI, Rama University, Kanpur, presented a brief about the Short term course and introduced the participants across India. Special remarks delivered by Dr. Hari Om Sharan, Dean, Academic Affairs, Rama University, Kanpur. Dr. Hari Om Sharan encouraged and wished the participants good learning from this course. A total of 45 registrations were received for this course and out of which 36 are from most reputed organizations like ICAR, CAU's, and SAU's, while 9 are in-house registrations.
The session became very interesting when Dr. Mehandi introduced R programming, Python programming, and other statistical software concerning agricultural data analysis. This course will help the participants to a more profound understanding of data which in turn publishing high impact factor research articles and aids in thesis writing. The session started with tools and software related to data analysis.
It will be very informative and fruitful for all the participants in upcoming training days, which will be concluded on 2 August 2021.