Shirodhara the Ancient Shatkarma Technique Conducted at Rama Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital
14 Sep 2021
Ayurveda is a holistic way of rebalancing the doshas and comprehending the importance of this Vedic healing; the Faculty of Rama Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Kanpur conducted Shirodhara. Descending from the Sanskrit language, Shirodhara means Shiro- Head, and Dhara- Flow, relieving parents affected by stress. The further and complete details about this Vedic Kriya are mentioned below.
Kriya - Shirodhara
Organized By - Faculty of Rama Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Kanpur
About the Kriya :
Shirodhara or Shiro Dhara is a word comprising of 2 terms, Shiro meaning head, Dhara meaning pouring in-stream or sprinkling. Thus Shirodhara means pouring the liquid medicines in-stream over the head of the patient (or healthy person) for a stipulated amount of time.
Shirodhara considers the human body an inverted tree wherein the roots are at the top and the branches pointing downwards.
If the human body is considered to be a tree –
1. The head of the human body will be considered to be the roots of this tree,
2. The central portion of the body made up of thorax and abdomen is said to be the trunk of this tree and
3. The limbs (upper and lower) are considered to be the branches of this tree.
Just like the roots nurture and control all the activities and wellbeing of the tree, the head is the operational center of the entire body. The head comprises all the components and machinery to control the whole body's mechanics and dynamics.
Head is an abode of the remote control of the entire body – 'The Brain and nerves and all the components which keep us attached and attracted to this material world – 'The Sense Organs.' For these reasons, the head is called 'Uttamanga' – 'The best organ of the lot in the body.'
Studies report that Ayurvedic Shirodhara is a safe option to improve sleep quality among sleep problems. Shirodhara is also effective in treating mental conditions such as anxiety and mental stress. The calming effect produced by Shirodhara is similar to that obtained with meditation.
There are specialized Shirodhara (Moordhanya Dhara) called Ksheeradhara, Thakradhara, Taildhara, and Jalandhar.
Shirodhara involves pouring warm herbal oils on the head. Shirodhara also consists of a head massage. Shirodhara is thought to work by relaxing the hypothalamus in the brain.
It can also normalize the functions of hormones that regulate sleep and emotions.
Shirodhara is a treatment in which the medicated liquids are poured in streams over the head of the patient (healthy people can also undergo) for a stipulated amount of time. The treatment is carried out for 2-3 weeks (depending on the condition of the disease and diseased).
Shirodhara is a highly effective treatment from the leaves of Ayurvedic wisdom, which makes the person undergoing it solid and immune, physically and mentally, such that they can tolerate the extremes of life including diseases, stress, etc., can overcome their health-related issues, remain ageless, fell-good, look-good and obtain the armor of prevention to many psychosomatic illnesses.
Indications of Shirodhara – Shirodhara treatment is advised for the prevention of many psychosomatic disorders. Prevention of diseases about body, mind, and sense is the first indication.
Benefits of Shirodhara:
Shirodhara has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including-
- Eye diseases
- Sinusitis
- Allergic rhinitis
- Hair loss
- Greying of hair
- Neurological disorders
- Memory loss
- Insomnia
- Hearing impairment
- Tinnitus
- Vertigo
· Meniere's disease and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis.