Scientific and Industrial Research visit to Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
06 May 2019
Scientific and Industrial Research visit was carried out by the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Rama University, Kanpur at Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP) Lucknow on 3rd May, 2019 for B.Tech IVth , B.Tech IIIrd year, B.Sc Ist & IInd year and M.Sc Biotechnology Ist and IInd year.
Students interacted with scientists and research scholars and discussed the current scenario of biotechnology in India and Abroad. They visited Manav Park, Biotechnology lab, cell tissue culture, plant genomic, instrumentation, sterilization laboratories, Process laboratory, and museum. The recent projects of CIMAP that our students had a chance to understand were-Curing cerebral malaria by the use of Artemisia annua, Finding ability of khus to grow in the flooded area and Finding ability of Ashwagandha to be drought resistant.
Dr. Feroz Khan, Dr. R. K Srivastava and his teammates guided students throughout the visit and answered all the queries of the students. He and his team motivated students to create awareness among common people about the scope and application of biotechnology in medicinal plants.
All the arrangements for the visit were made by Dr. Ajay Kumar, Head, Department of Biotechnology, FET, Rama University, Kanpur. The students were accompanied by two faculties from the department- Dr. Vivek Srivastava, and Er. Shubham Kumar.
The visit was highly productive for the students because they had a chance to learn about the industrial application of Herbal formulation of medicinal plants. The industrial visit provides a hands-on learning experience to the students and aids in holistic education.