In this regard, A career counselling program was conducted by Faculty of Nursing, Rama University in B.P.M.G Inter college, Mandhana , Kanpur on 22nd December, 2022 under Mission Nirmaya for all the students to orient them with nursing and paramedical opportunities. The program was basically for the students of class 9th to class 12th which are in their career deciding years. After taking the prior permission from the Principal, the program was organized in the common hall of the school at 12 pm. The program started by 12:15 after all the students were seated at the respective rows allotted for each class. Around 100 students attended the counselling session. Firstly we introduced them to various courses in Nursing and Paramedical sector and also explained them the sea of opportunities in the outer world in these courses. We also encouraged them on choosing the field they are interested in. In the program we explained them regarding all Nursing paramedical programmes and their scope in future. We also discussed the eligibility criteria for getting admission in these courses along with the importance of these programmes. After completion of the counselling the students were encouraged to ask queries related to any programme. The queries were acknowledged and answered accordingly. At the end of session we thank the Principal “Mrs. Anju Kannoujiya” and other school faculty for supporting us in successful completion of the session. The program was ended by 1.15 pm.