Rama University Planted trees on World Environment Day, gave the message of saving lives.
05 Jun 2021
Main Content: World Environment Day was celebrated at Rama University following COVID rules. On this occasion, Dr.Prateek Singh, Director, Rama University, Kanpur, and Dr.Pranav Singh, Director, Public Relations, with other dignitaries, planted saplings on the university premises. Further details of this event are mentioned below.
Event - Tree Plantation
Occasion - World Environment Day
Date - 5 June 2021
About the Event :
In this program, Director,Dr.Prateek Singh said that Environment Day was first celebrated on 5 June 1974 in Sweden-themed “Only One Earth.” The purpose of this event of the Department of Agriculture was environmental protection. Under which a pledge was taken to make the environment clean and pollution-free through ecological protection in this event.
On this occasion, by the courtesy of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries, Deans from all the faculties planted different varieties of trees like Peepal, Neem, Gulmohar, AmalTash, Tikoma, etc. to ornament the campus and revive nature.
During this, Deputy Registrar, Dr.SandeepShukla, Dean Academic Affairs, Professor Hari Om Sharan, Controller of Examinations RK Yadav, and Dean, Faculty of Agriculture Sciences and Allied Industries Dr.AneetaYadav were present to glorify the event.
We thank all for initiating a healthy and promising way to celebrate this day and protect Mother Nature.