National Youth Day Painting Competition on the theme Awakening the Youth Power
13 Jan 2023
National Youth Day is observed on 12 January to recognize the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. In 1984, the Indian government declared Swamiji's birth anniversary as National Youth Day and since 1985, it has been celebrated to honor and recognize Vivekananda's teachings. National Youth Day is observed in India to raise awareness of and disseminate information about human rights. The primary goal of the festival is to inspire young people and preserve Swami Vivekananda's beliefs.
The commemorate National Young Day, the Department of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries of Rama university held a painting contest with the subject "Awakening the youth power." The paintings were judged according to the following standards: impressiveness of the art, skill of the artist, justification with the theme, originality of the idea, and fulfillment of intent. The Rama University students enthusiastically participated in this event and produced many impressive paintings to portray the youth power current agricultural scenario role of women in society, and role of education in empowering the society.
Based on their performances in this painting competition the judges' panel evaluated the students who will be awarded on January 14, 2023. Such occasion’s help students focus more and provide them a chance to showcase their abilities. This event was well-liked by students, as per the feedback received from the participants it was a very good experience. Overall, the occasion was successful.