Report: Adieu Function 'Lamhe' 2k22
04 Jul 2022
“Set your Goals High and always Dream big, Because you are only as big as the dreams, you dare to live.”
With these blessings of the management, an adieu function was organized for B.Tech IIIrd year students on 1st July 2022 by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Rama University, Mandhana, Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur.
It was commenced under the gracious presence of the distinguished dignitaries Dr. Hari Om Sharan (Dean Academic Affairs and Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Rama University), Dr. Sandeep Shukla ( Deputy Registrar, Rama University), Mr. R.K. Yadav (Controller of Examinations, Rama University), and all deans, principals, HoDs and staff members of Rama University.
Students participated with great fervor and enthusiasm. Senior students were offered floral wreaths by the juniors. Students' heart-throbbing performances left the audience mesmerized. Many students could not help shedding tears. Students expressed their deep love and gratitude to the faculty members for their teaching and unstinting support throughout their campus life. Mr. Shashi, B.Tech(CS) & Ms. Sakshi B.Tech (BT) were chosen as Mr. and Ms. Farewell 2022. Faculty members wished them good luck and advised them to prepare themselves for attaining the desired goals of their lives.
Ultimately, it became a nostalgia for the students as well as for the Rama family too by leaving a plethora of colorful and joyous moments of campus life.