Law students visited Kanpur District Court
09 Aug 2019
Students of the Faculty of Juridical Sciences, Rama University visited the District Court of Kanpur on 8 Aug. 2019. The purpose of the visit was to understand the working of a court and the nature of duties of the judicial officers. It helped our students to gain perspective on the role of court in dispensing justice in any legal case, the role of prosecutors in a case, the way cases proceed in a court, the way judges, prosecutors, and defence lawyers handle the case, the relationship of the prosecutors and the police which gave an opportunity to the students to understand the actual need of co-ordination in the four pillars of the criminal justice system.
The Court visit was organized under the supervision of Mr. J.P. Srivastva, Ms. Anjali Dixit, Mr. Rahul Singh and Ms. Apoorva Upadhyaya under the esteemed guidance of Adv. Shyam Ji Srivastava (President, Kanpur Bar Association), Adv. Kapil Deep Shachan (Secretary, Kanpur Bar Association) and others