A brief about Rama University

Rama University is a renowned name in the world of education. Recognized by UGC, Government of India, the university is rising as one of the largest educational establishments in the country. Involved in imparting world class education, Rama University has shaped more than 10,000 professionals so far and offers more than 100 courses across 11 specialized fields. Based out of Delhi‐NCR and Kanpur, Rama University has two hi‐tech campuses spread across more than 150 acres of collective area. Lush green environment, serene surroundings and all the necessary facilities are available within the campus. The university promises to be a perfect place for learning. With highly educated faculty members with international experience, progressive learning approach and modern teaching methodology, the University is focused at preparing strong and future ready professionals. Rama University has 11 constituent faculties, and state‐of‐the‐art research centers to efficiently cater to the students from all over the country. The dynamic environment in the University not only ensures enormous growth potential but also promotes intellectual as well as personal growth. The University offers specialized courses across 11 professional streams such as Basic & Clinical Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Nursing, Paramedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Engineering, Commerce & Management, Agriculture, Journalism, Juridical Sciences, Ayurveda, Pharmaceutical and professional studies. RAMA University‐ The Paramount of Excellence Rama University has been a popular choice among the students looking for a pioneer educational institution for higher studies. The Sanskrit verse “Sarve Bhawantu Sukhina, Sarve Santu Niramaya”, meaning let every individual be happy and thus every individual be healthy, is the stimulating force behind our aim to provide globally competitive courses to the aspirants. We promote a holistic learning environment.

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A brief about of Faculty of Agricultural Sciences & Allied Industries, Rama University, Kanpur Nagar, U.P. (India)

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries at Rama University covers educational and scientific/research activities with an aim to promote science-based agricultural education and research. The comprehensive program provides students with sound knowledge in the mathematics, science and engineering science required to solve agricultural engineering problems. It also enables them to effectively identify and design sustainable solutions to address issues and global opportunities.

The agriculture degree program at Rama University ensures successful professional careers in agro-industries, government organization, educational/research/extension institute. It equips the students to demonstrate strong leadership skills, ethical integrity, and professional engagement in any work settings. With a degree in Agricultural Science, students take their first step toward a rewarding career.

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries offers Bachelor (B.Sc.), Masters (M.Sc.) and Ph.D. Degree Programs in Agricultural Sciences. The aim is to generate trained manpower in the areas of agriculture and to integrate research and teaching to harness maximum potential and has emerged as a centre of excellence in imparting quality teaching and training at under graduate, Post-graduate level and propagating research activities in diverse field of this important science. The course curriculum will not only equip the student with sound knowledge and expertise in relevant areas but will also create avenues for research and job opportunities in future and for self-employment. Department is equipped with modern equipments with state of the art laboratory facilities and has dedicated faculty engaged in various disciplines of agricultural sciences.


The limited accommodation is available in the university and other guest houses. On request, the organizers will arrange for reservation of accommodation provided the payment is received well in advance. A wide range of hotels and guest houses is available. The likely tariffs are as under:

Hotels- ₹ 2000 to 5000/-

Guest house– ₹ 500 to 1500/-


  • 1. Novel Strategies for the Preservation and Administration of Resources
  • 2. Plant Breeding Trends on the Rise for a Sustainable Bio-economy
  • 3. New Directions in Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Pest and Disease Management
  • 4. Climate Smart Agriculture for Sustaining Productivity
  • 5. Precision Tools for Smart Management of Natural Resources
  • 6. Smart Approaches for Environmental Conservation and Ecological Management
  • 7. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Digital Ecosystem in Agriculture
  • 8. New Prospects in Agri-entrepreneurship and Agro-based Industries
  • 9. Marketing Access & Financing Solutions
  • 10. Innovations and Best Practices in Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
  • 11. Emerging Trends in Post-Harvest Management of Fruits and Vegetables


Best oral presentation

Best poster presentation

Best Horticulturist Award

Best Agronomist Award

Best Agril Economist

Best Extension Worker Award

Best Young Scientist Award

Best PH.D Thesis Award

Best P.G. Thesis Award

Best Lifetime Award

Best Outstanding Scientist Award

Best Teacher/Scientist Award

Our Speakers

Chief Guest
Chief Guest
Dr. Ramesh Chandra Srivastava

Former Vice Chancellor, RPCAU, Pusa, Bihar

Guest of Honour
Guest of Honour
Dr. Damodaran Thukkaram

Director, (CISH) Lucknow Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture

Special Guest
Special Guest
Prof. (Dr.) Birendra Kumar

Director, Centre of Rural and Agribusiness Communication, Imperial School of Agribusiness Noida U.P.

Dr. Sahadeva Singh

(Dean & Professor) Galgotiya University Former Dpty. Commissioner & Head Policy Planning Commission, Govt. of India

Dr. Ajay Kumar Yadav

Asst. Commissioner, Industry, Dept. of MSME & Export Promotion, (U.P) DIPEC-Kanpur.

Dr. Chetan Keshwani

Principal Investigator Southern Federal University Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Dr. Mukesh Nitin

Principal Scientist, Izmir Biomedicine & Genomic Center (IBG), Turkey.

Event Schedule plan


Registration fees include the kit, access to technical and poster sessions, lunch, etc. The research fellows/students are required to produce a valid certificate from the Principal Investigator/identity card of the institute to avail of the student discount. Confirm your registration by completing the attached form along with the non-refundable registration fee either by demand draft in favor of Rama University, Uttar Pradesh, payable at Kanpur Nagar, or through electronic payment. The bank details are as follows: https://forms.gle/5NcwqV4F8hJwBSfLA

  • Registration fee may be sent by NEFT/ IMPS/ Cash deposit in favor of Rama University Uttar Pradesh
  • Account Number: 43263349848
  • IFSC : SBIN0000107
  • Bank Name: SBI
  • Branch Address: Civil Lines, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
  • Branch Address: Rama University Campus, G.T. Road near Mandhana Railway Station, Kanpur
QR Code:

Opportunities for Co-Sponsors

Co-sponsors of the conference are offered with multiple opportunities including placement of their organization/company logo/emblem in the backdrop, advertisement in souvenir, etc. The sponsorship contribution is as follows:

  • Platinum ₹ 30,000 with 3 guest delegates (free registration)
  • Diamond ₹ 20,000 with 2 guest delegates (free registration)
  • Gold ₹ 10,000 with 1 guest delegates (free registration)

  • Advertisement in Souvenir

    The Souvenir of the Conference which will contain messages from VIP’s and articles from renowned scientists, policy makers and administrators have provision for advertisement by the Companies. Souvenir is a very important publication of the Conference and is usually kept by the delegates for long period to be used as reference book. Interested Companies may contact the organizers for giving their advertisements. The rates for the advertisement are as follows:

  • Full colour page ₹ 10,000
  • Half colour page ₹ 5,000
  • Full B/w page ₹ 2,500
  • Half B/w page ₹ 1,500

  • Events
  • Invited papers and lead talks
  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Presentation
  • Farmers- experts interaction

  • Participants
  • Vice Chancellors, Directors, Directors Research and Director Extension of International Organizations/Institutions.
  • Vice Chancellors, Directors of Central Agricultural Universities, Universities, State Agricultural Universities (SAU's) and other Scientific Institutions.
  • Directors, Scientists and students at ICAR/CSIR/ State Universities/Private Institutes.
  • NGO/Corporate Sector/ entrepreneurs/ Policy makers’ representative involved with Agriculture.
  • National/International institutions working in the field of Agriculture.

    Chief Patron
    • Dr. Suraj Babu Singh Kushwah
    • Hon'ble Chancellor
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Janardhan Amaranath B.J.
    • Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Anu Singh
    • Hon'ble Director
    • Rama Group, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Prateek Singh
    • Hon'ble Director
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Pranav Singh, Director (Public Relations)
    • Hon'ble Director
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Aneeta Yadav
    • Dean (Acting), FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    Co- Chairpersons
    • Prof. (Dr.) Hari Om Sharan
    • (Registrar), Dean, Academic Affairs & Planning
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    President SAAAS
    • Prof. (Dr.) Balvir Singh
    • President, SAAAS & Professor
    • SRMU, Barabanki, U.P.
    Organizing Secretary
    • Dr. Kartikay Bisen
    • Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology) & Head, FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Ashish Srivastava
    • Assistant Professor (Agricultural Economics) & Conference Head FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    Joint Organizing Secretaries
    • Dr. Ravikesh Kumar Pal
    • Assistant Professor (Agronomy) FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Raghvendra Singh
    • Assistant Professor (Soil Science), FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    Co-Organizing Secretaries
    • Dr. Jitendra Kumar
    • Assistant Professor (Soil Science), FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Vinay Joseph Silas
    • Assistant Professor (Horticulture) FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Sarvesh Kumar
    • Assistant Professor (Ag. Engineering) FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Anuj Tiwari
    • Assistant Professor (Extension education) FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Dr. Durgesh Kumar Maurya
    • Assistant Professor (Agronomy) FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Mr. Syed Mohd. Quatadah
    • Teaching Associate (Plant Breeding) FAS&AI
    • Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.

    • Prof. (Dr.) Manish Dhingra, Dean, Research & Development, Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Vaishali Dhingra, Dean, FCM, Rama University, Mandhana, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Prof. (Dr.) Mahak Singh, Member State Agricultural Committee, Department of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, CSAU&T, Kanpur.
    • Prof. (Dr) Akhilesh Kumar Pal,Professor, Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
    • Prof. (Dr.) Joy Dowson, Dean and Head, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj.
    • Prof. (Dr) Sanjay Kumar, Department of Horticulture, BBAU, Lucknow.
    • Dr. Satyendra Pratap Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
    • Dr. Amvrin Baruah, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Farm Management, Biswanath College of Agriculture, Assam Agriculture University.
    • Dr. Amit Kesarwani, Assistant Professor, Agronomy, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture &Technology, Pantnagar,
    • Dr. Chandan Roy, Assistant Professor, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur.
    • Dr. Sweta Rai, Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture &Technology, Pantnagar.
    • Dr. J. P. Jaiswal, Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture &Technology, Pantnagar.
    • Dr. Rajeev Ranjan, Assistant Professor, Agrometerology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture &Technology, Pantnagar.
    • Dr. Ravi Kesari, Assistant Professor, Plant Biotechnology, Purnia, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur.
    • Dr. Biswajit Mandal, Scientist, Crop Improvement Division, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Nagar
    • Dr. Alok Das, Scientist (SS), Division of Plant Biotechnology, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Nagar
    • Dr. Shweta Singh, Assistant Professor, GPB, CSAUA&T, Kanpur
    • Mr. Praveen Verma, MD, Manupra Pvt. Ltd. Jhansi, UP.
    • Mrs. Rakhi Sharma, MD, Vraddhi Organic Agro-India Pvt. Ltd. Mathura, UP.
    • Mr. Raghvendra Singh, Assistant Professor, FET, Rama University, Kanpur
    • Dr. Ulrich Berk, President, German Homatherapy Society, Germany.
    • Mr. Praveen Verma, MD, Manupra Pvt. Ltd. Jhansi, UP.
    • Dr. Chetan Keswani, Head of Agrobiotechnology Laboratory, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
    • Dr. Vishnu D. Rajput, Associate Professor, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
    • Dr. K. K. Singh, Vice Chancellor, SVPUA&T, Meerut, U.P.
    • Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, Vice Chancellor, CSAUA&T, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Bijendra Singh, Vice Chancellor, NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, U.P.
    • Dr. S.V. Satyanarayan Raju, Vice Chancellor, BUA&T, Banda, U.P.
    • Dr Vinay Kumar Pathak, Vice Chancellor, CSJM University, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Nirmal S Mourya, Vice Chancellor, VBS, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P.
    • Dr. J. Kumar, Ex. Vice Chancellor, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand
    • Dr. M.P. Yadav, Ex.Vice Chancellor, SVBPUA&T, Meerut, U.P.
    • Dr. B.B. Singh, Ex-ADG, ICAR, New Delhi
    • Dr. S.K. Singh, Director, ATARI, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
    • Dr. Damodaran Thukkaram, Director, ICAR-CISH, Lucknow, U.P.
    • Dr. Bansa Singh, Director, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. A.D. Pathak, Director, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow, U.P.
    • Dr. Srinivasan Rao, Director, ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad
    • Dr. Shailesh Marker, Director Research, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P.
    • Dr. Hari Har Ram, Ex-Professor & Head, Department of Vegetable Science, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Uttrakhand.
    • Dr. Y.P. Singh, Ex-Head, ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow, U.P.
    • Prof. C.P. Gujar, Head Department of Business Management, G.C.G.V., Chitrakoot, U.P.
    • Dr. Vijay Rajwade, Head, Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P.
    • Prof. V.K. Singh, Dean Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukul Kangari University, Haridwar, U.P.
    • Prof. V.S. Parihar, Professor, Economics, M.G.C.G.V., Chitrakoot, U.P.
    • Dr. Vinay Kumar Rawat, Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Economics & Statistics, BRDPGC, DDU University, Gorakhpur, U.P.
    • Dr. I.P. Singh, Project Coordinator, Pigeonpea, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Principal Scientist, Crop Improvement, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Mukesh Sehgal, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NCIPM, New Delhi.
    • Dr. Narendra Kumar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Sanjay Arora, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow, U.P.
    • Dr. Atul Kumar Singh, ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow, U.P.
    • Dr. A.K. Singh, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CISH, Lucknow, U.P.
    • Dr. V.M. Prasad, Professor, Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P.
    • Prof. (Dr.) Munish Kumar, Professor & HoD, Deptt. of SCWM, College of Agriculture, CSAUA&T, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Prof. (Dr.) Kaushal Kumar, Professor, Deptt. of SCWM, College of Agriculture, CSAUA&T, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Prof. (Dr.) V.K. Yadav, Professor, Deptt. of GPB, College of Agriculture, CSAUA&T, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Ram Pyare, Professor, Deptt. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, CSAUA&T, Kanpur Nagar, U.P.
    • Dr. Kamal Khiladi, Professor, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, SVPUA&T, Meerut, U.P.
    • Dr. Rama Kant, Scientist-D, Division of Genetics & Tree Improvement, FRI, Dehradun, Uttrakhand
    • Dr. Ashok Kumar, Scientist-G, Division of Genetics & Tree Improvement, FRI, Dehradun, Uttrakhand
    • Dr. D.S. Srivastava, Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra-II, Sitapur, U.P.
    • Dr Ashok Yadav, Scientist, ICAR-CAFRI, Jhansi, U.P.
    • Dr. Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Scientist, IRRI-SARC, Varanasi, U.P.

    General Information

    • Faculty Members and Scientists
    • Industry Personnel
    • Research Scholars
    • PG and UG Students
    • By Air: Kanpur is well connected to the major cities of the country with regular lights. The airport is about 22 km from Rama University.
    • By Rail: You can easily get regular trains to Kanpur from other major cities of the country. Kanpur Central (CNB)-is about 24 Kms from Rama University. Panki (PNK)is about 15 Kms from Rama University. Kanpur Anwarganj (CPA) is about 17.8 Kms from Rama University. Kalyanpur (KAP)is about 8 Kms from Rama University.
    • By Road: There are regular buses from other major cities of the country to Kanpur. Kanpur Jhakarkatti is about 19.4 Kms from Rama University. Vikash Nagar Bus Depot is about 13.1 Kms from Rama University. Chunniganj Bus Depot is about 19.1 Kms from Rama University. Fazalganj Bus Depot is about 16.9 Kms from Rama University.
    Kanpur is the major city of Uttar Pradesh. It is believed that this city was founded by Raja Hindu Singh of the Sikhandi state. Kanpur's original name was Kanhpur. Whether it is suspected to be associated with the King Hindusi of the realty of the origin of the city, or belonging to the heroic Karna of Mahabharata period, it is so certified that in the last phase of the region of Awadh, this city is situated in old Kanpur, Patkapura, Kuraswam, Juhi and Seemamau villages. Being located on the banks of the Ganges, there was a facility of trafic and industry. Kanpur is very interesting place with a large numbers of historical buildings and tourist places like Bhitargaon Temple, JK Temple, Kanpur Memorial Church, Nana Rao Park, Green Park play ground, Jagannath temple and Allen forest zoo. Frequent transport facilities are available round the clock to visit these places.

    Rama University is a renowned name in the world of education. Recognized by UGC, Government of India, the university is rising as one of the largest educational establishments in the country. Involved in imparting world class education, Rama University has shaped more than 10,000 professionals so far and others more than 100 courses across 09 specialized fields. Based out of Delhi-NCR and Kanpur, Rama University has two hi-tech campuses spread across more than 150 acres of collective area. With lush green environment, serene surroundings and all the necessary facilities available within the campus. The university promises to be a perfect place for learning. With highly educated faculty members with international experience, progressive learning approach and modern teaching methodology, the University is focused at preparing strong and future ready professionals. Rama University has 9 constituent faculties, 3 teaching hospitals and state-of-the-art research centers to efficiently cater to the students from all over the country. Rama University offers education at par with global paradigms. The dynamic environment in the University not only ensures enormous growth potential but also promotes intellectual as well as personal growth. The University offers specialized courses across 9 professional streams such as Basic & Clinical Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Nursing, Paramedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Engineering, Commerce & Management, Fine Arts, Arts, Journalism, Library Science and Home Science. RAMA University- The Paramount of Excellence Rama University has been a popular choice among the students looking for a pioneer educational institution for higher studies. The Sanskrit verse "Sarve Bhawantu Sukhina, Sarve Santu Niramaya", meaning let every individual be happy and thus every individual be healthy, is the stimulating force behind our aim to provide globally competitive courses to the aspirants. We promote a holistic learning environment.

    Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Allied Industries at Rama University covers educational and scientific/research activities with an aim to promote science-based agricultural education and research. The comprehensive program provides students with sound knowledge in the mathematics, science and engineering science required to solve agricultural engineering problems. It also enables them to effectively identify and design sustainable solutions to address issues and global opportunities.
    General Enquiries

    Dr. Kartikay Bisen - 9838215431
    Dr. Ashish Srivastava - 9758059228

    Social Updates

    Website www.ramauniversity.ac.in
    find more info about it here.