Lamp Lighting Ceremony
15 Mar 2017 RCN
Rama College of nursing, a constituent institute of Rama University celebrated the Lamp Lighting Ceremony on 10/03/17 at RMC Auditorium. The Program started sharply at 10:30am with prayer song followed by inauguration of the traditional lamp by Chief Guest, Professor Santhamma. B Principal, Sahara College of Nursing, Lucknow. The Ceremony was highlighted with the blessings and presence of Brag. A.K Sharma, Director A&F, Rama University, Dr. Srivatsava Principal Rama Medical College, Mr. Suboth Kumar Tiwari, Medical Superintendent Rama Hospital and Mrs. Shoba Nair Finance controller Rama group of institutions.
Honorable chief Guest Prof. Santhamma. B enlightened the light of knowledge for the young budding future nurses of our Society and oath was delivered by Ms. Riwanka, Lecturer Rama college of Nursing.
Prof. Santhamma. B Chief Guest highlighted, the Professional aspects of nursing and blessed the fresher’s followed by the presidential speech by Ms. Sutha R. Principal Rama college of Nursing highlighting the value of the noble Profession.
Academic excellence awards were distributed by chief guest to the academic toppers of various batches. The Programme adjourned with vote of thanks and National anthem.