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Rules And Regulations
Rules & Regulations
Students should be regular and punctual in attending the classes, tutorials, practical and clinics. Students should not be certified for examination if their progress, conduct and attendance remain unsatisfactory.
75% of the attendance in Theory &Practical classes is compulsory. If the students fall short in attendance, their examination forms will not be forwarded to the university.
Periodic day to day examination will be held in each subject as part of Internal Assessment of the candidates. The marks obtained in this examination will be considered for adding as internal assessment marks in respective subjects during University; otherwise the result of University Examination is likely to be adversely affected.
Parents must ensure themselves, from time to time, the progress of their wards in periodic examinations and regularity of their attendance etc. in classes. The College authorities wil, in no way, be responsible, if any candidate’s University Examination from is withheld due to shortage in attendance or if fails in a University Examination due to lower percentage of marks I internal assessment.
Work quota (as prescribe by the dental medical and nursing councils of India) should be completed.
Student must wear aprons and uniforms prescribed pattern by working at laboratories and hospital.
Chewing of pan masala, tobacco or smoking drinking (alcohol) and use of narcotic drugs (non medical) are strictly prohibited in premises of college, hospitals and hostel.
Damage to property of the college will be viewed very seriously and is likely to result in severe disciplinary action leading to even immediate expulsion of the guilty student from the college.
Ragging of the students in any form within or outside the college is strictly prohibited at the institution. The defaulters may be expelled from the college.
Every student shall invariably carry on his identity card issued by the college.
Students are bounded by the rules and regulations framed by the college. Any violation of rules or act of indiscipline on the part of the students shall result in disciplinary action leading to even dismissal from the college.
The principal/management reserves the right to remove from the role, the name of student for failure to pay the college/hostel dues, within the scheduled time.
The students are expected to read the notice displayed on the notice boards of the college regularity. The college shall not held any responsibility for any loss sustained by the students due to failure to read such notices.
No student shall be allowed appear in the university examinations unless he/she has paid all the dues, completed the work assigned to, and fulfilled attendance requirements.
The management reserves the right to change, at any time, any rules and regulations and provisions given in the prospectus.
In case, any student fails in the examination, in more than one subject and who cannot be promoted to higher class, such candidate will be required to make payment of the additional fees/ charges etc.
No student shall do any act of unbecoming of student and shall not possess, use or consume alcoholic drink and narcotic drugs in any form. In case, a found to be involved in the above act, or possession of narcotic drugs/ alcohol in any form in his/her custody, or his/her conduct is found to be unsatisfactory against the institution in any manner what so ever, the management/principal has full authority to take any disciplinary action against him/her, including expulsion from the course/college.