As I am near the end of my college, I am glad I can say that Rama has been more than just the source of a degree. Life away from home was a haunting thought, especially when away from home meant another state on the whole. But, let’s just say that over the years, the surreal sense of Rama University being more of a home to me than my hometown itself has taken over me. The display of an array of talents in the form of club and chapter events have helped students in exploring their hidden abilities. Dancing for one, was a part of my life that I assumed to be long lost when I left home. So, it was a beautiful experience unfolding a new chapter of dance as I rediscovered classical dance in a new light in the form of Annual Concerts & Events. On the whole, I’m grateful to Rama for the amazing people it has brought into my life and everything I have learnt in the past years. Not just engineering, but life lessons too.