Best Practices
(Adopted by the Rama University)
There are many Best Practices of the University leading to quality sustenance and enhancement. Some of them are enlisted as under: -
- Mentorshipprogram to teach student new skills to achieve their long term goal on life.
- ICTenabled teaching learning, that is Student Centric.
- Teachers participation in faculty development proramme (FDP) & syllabus updating.
- Holisticstudent centric practices by the teaching faculty like, sports cultural activities, yoga & Meditation
- Gendersensitization programs in campus nearby villages and city area.
- Cleanand environment friendly
- Contributionof alumni in University development by constituting Alumni Association.
- Celebrationof important Days in the University like International Women Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Shivaji Jayanti, Vivekanand (Youth Day) Jayanti, Sciences day
- Outreachprograms conducted at student and teaching faculty level.
- Community benefit programmes broadcast on Rama Radio.
Rama University has adopted six following villages to undertake schemes that are in conformity with central and state Govt. development programs:
Kukradev, Shadipur, Bithoor Birtiyan, Pachor, Bhavanipur & Hardaspur
Best practice on Community Programme.
Title of the practice: - Commitment to Society:
(NSS, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan:)
To create the sense of belongingness towards the nation amongst the student.
Tohelp the less advantageous sections of the
Toprovide medical help to the needy residing in the slums in nearby
Torender services to the patients admitted in the nearby hospitals.
Tohelp the under- privileged farmers in agricultural
The following activities related to Community development are intended to perform.
Swachhhata Pakhawara
The activity is in conformity with Hon’ble Prime Minister Commitment towards Swakcha Bharat Mission
The Student under agis of N.S.S. visit at least twice a month in nearby villages and undertake in cleanness program and to make villagers aware of sanitation, cleanness & other health related issues.
Literacy mission
The students under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan & NSS visit regularly in villages adopted by the University to make aware the village community to admit their children to school under Aaganwari & Primary Schools.
A Pilot project survey is conducted at the start of session to find out established data on households that are not able to send their children to school.
The student teacher group play significant role to encourage rural people especially, marginal group to get their children enrolled in Aaganwari & School.
The mission is directed towards fulfilment of Hon’ble Prime Minister dream of Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao
An household not able to do this shall be brought to the notice of Gram Pradhan & encouraged to enroll their child to elementary education.
Any awareness campaign through street plays, banners & lectures are conducted in regular manner.
- C) Woman Empowerment
- Todevelop a spirit of gender
- Toempower girls with physical and emotional
- Tocreate awareness among the girls about their civic
- Toenable the students develop a sense of culture, ethics, morality and social
- Todevelop self esteem and self confidence in
The Programms conducted in rural as well as in city areas including health & hygiene amongst females, distribution of Vitamin tablets & free check-up by medical staff.
The regular medical camps are organized with the help of Students & other medical staff specially directed towards women health.
The University conducts workshop on gender sensitization & related issue and Zero Tolerance policy has been adopted towards Prevention of Harassment of Women on workplace.
The University proposes to constitute Self-help Groups of women in villages in near future to make village women self-reliant.
- Participationin Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
Establishing a strong linkage between society and outreaching the varied sections of the society has been one of the goals of the University since beginning. Social extension activities provide a strong platform to achieve this goal.
The participation of the students in helping down trodden, and other sections of the society in need of help has been overwhelming.
Programs like rallies, street play, Swachhata Abhiyaan helped in creating social awareness and environmental consciousness among the students and in the community.
Problems encountered
Convincing the parents of the female students to participate in outreach programs and contribute is a challenge. Though, to a certain extent it has been met due to regular and healthy interaction with the students and parents.
Awareness Programmes & Resource Generation
- Sensitization lectures for the students to make them aware of thesocial extension activities and their impact on
- The University aims to create infrastructure for the benefit of rural people in the area of Agricultural Development, Green Energy & Environmental Sustainability.
The example that may be cited are: -
- Rainwater harvesting appliances installation on certain rural households.
- Bio-fertilizer equipment’s to farmers esp., at marginal level.
- Free sapling plantation in villages.

(Annexure – 2)
Community Outreach Program on the Occasion of World Cancer Day Concluded
(Annexure – 3)
Fostering Breastfeeding Support for Working Parents: Rama University's World Breastfeeding Week Celebration 2023
07 Aug 2023
(Annexure – 4)
Empowering Communities through Hand Hygiene: Global Hand Washing Day in RU
19 Oct 2023
(Annexure – 5)
Rama Medical College Hospital & Research Centre Mobilizes for Global Diabetes Awareness on World Diabetes Day
wareness on World Diabetes Day
29 Nov 2023
(Annexure – 6)
Rama University Faculty of Nursing Marks National New Born Week with Impactful Community Outreach
24 Nov 2023
(Annexure – 7)
Rama University Nursing Students Spread Happiness at Apna Ghar Orphanage
19 Aug 2023
(Annexure – 8)
Fostering Breastfeeding Support for Working Parents: Rama University's World Breastfeeding Week Celebration 2023
07 Aug 2023
(Annexure – 9)
Extension Outreach Program On the occasion of National Farmer’s Day 23rd December 2022
26 Dec 2022
(Annexure – 10)
Rama University’s Nursing Dep. Empowers Students with Career Counseling
18 Apr 2023
(Annexure – 11)
Nikshay Diwas and Poshak Ahar Vitran
23 Feb 2023
(Annexure – 12)
26 Dec 2022
(Annexure – 13)
Report on World Aids Day 2022 Extension Activity
03 Dec 2022
(Annexure – 14)
Implementation of the Family Adoption program
22 Sep 2022
(Annexure – 15)
Report: Breastfeeding week: DAY-3
08 Aug 2022