Achievements (Faculty and Students)
(Department of Commerce & Management)
The faculty members of Faculty of Commerce and Management Rama University have consistently proven their excellence and outstanding merit through their academic achievements and endeavors. Their research performance, teaching abilities and our valuable contribution to higher education have set an example for all. Apart from this, their earnest curiosity, determination and academic interests have driven them to achieve new milestones.
It is the institution’s constant endeavour to enhance and improve the teaching-learning process, by adopting innovative pedagogical methods. Every teacher is encouraged to combine traditional and innovative methods of teaching and learning. Although the teacher’s role is central in controlling and directing the activity involved in a pedagogical method, emphasis is laid on the experiences and experiments of the learners too. Subject specific research for students, simulation games, role plays, case study analysis, rural camps, rural exposure programmes, social visits, internship programmes, articleship programmes and industrial visits are some of the many innovative pedagogical methods adopted.